Good bye ppl...
I am not gonna blog anymore
Take care ppl!
See ya.
I am back from holiday..
was a enjoying holiday for me
3 days 2 nite (for me)
4 days 3 nite (my parents)
how come they stay there for extra night is because we won lucky draw on our last day of tour so we got a complimentary hotel voucher
hee hee
i dun wanna stay
when my parents say we gonna extend 1 more night
i feel sad & angry
i was having emotional break down
as i miss him so so much
i really wanna go back home to see him, hug him & kiss him
tats why i came back home myself
now i feel happy as i get t0 see him 2mor!!
went batam to massage & put fireworks
hee hee
but massage is PAINFUL!!!
i almost cry sia
food is nice & cheap
enjoy the place there
got to go now
Wish every1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

a brand new me
hee hee
me at mac having my lunch
today morning there is no class
so we leave early to go amk hub
actually go there was to catch a movie
but there is no movie tat we wan & also kind of late
so ya...
when to mac lor
this few days there is alot of things going on
dun wanna say much
i apply higher nitec already
dunno when get result lei
hee hee
few more days and i am out of singapore
ite amk teambuilding was fun & learning point for me
some classes was good but some are okok
hee hee
tats about it for now
chatting wif frenz..
Today start the teambuilding at ite amk
first session was bad
cause only 6 boys
and only 6 ppl in a class
is like...
but 2nd session was good
a very active class
was about 32 students
only me , farhana & anthony conduct the team building
dunno spell his name correct anot also
so happy tat my dear send me to sch 2day
hee hee
he wear until so smart & handsome
love him so much!
I am working already
temp job as a sales promoter
at bishan NTUC
selling beer
hee hee
Just for CNY la
super tired lor
stand the whole day long
miss my dear so so much
nv meet for almost a week already
gonna meet him 2mor
dunno wat to write already
blog again soon den
take care ppl
I am still in my dream & yet to wake up
just dun feel like waking up
i just wan to stay in my dream
sad to say, i really got to wake up from my dream
i seriously in love with my beloved dear, sebastian chan
he is just like my shining star which will 4ever be there for me
i love him so much
Now i am jobless cause of personal reason
but nvm
is time to relax myself
going batam on CNY
den to curise on Feb
also my parents plan 1.
is good also as to let me really relax myself & to go for a short break
haven been to anywhere since my attachment start
lots of thing is going on my mind tat i need to do
i just dunno why i dun do it
stupid me!
dunno wat course to study,
wat i wan to be in the future
iszit a coach?
i really dunno!
i am really lose
i just feel tat i need some1 to guide me along
TV time
hee hee
emm... is been almost a week i nv post.
dec 24
dear came to my hse for dinner
my aunti cook dinner for him
so sweet sia
had lots of joke & laughter wif him
dec 25
went to church in the morning wif my cousin
den go for visit at their side
den back to my hse for dinner
parents not around but still yet so noisy
tat day was not bad
but sad was my dear got duty
is ok
at least get to spent time wif him on the eve
dec 26-27
went for level camp instructor course
@ mount faber
i know this from erna
was waiting for her at queensway at about 7.20am
den i saw Van
surprise is tat she is joining the camp too
at last i got another frenz is there
sad things is tat ieshah last minute cannot go cause of personal reason as i am not suppose to say it out
the camp was fun
i enjoy & learned alot of things
so happy that my bf came to pick me up on the last day of camp @ 9pm
so late already but he came to pick me up & send me home
so so sweet of him
dec 29
early morning dear came to my hse & pick me up to go sentosa
had fun at sentosa wif him
hee hee
bully eachother in the sea
went to watch bedtime stories
is damn funny lor
is good to watch it
be4 we watch movie we went to play time zone
is was so fun & tired
dec 31
last day of 2008
i had fun wif dear, frankie, john, ken, shawn, wilson
6 guy & 1 gal
but nvm..
meet dear they all around 4pm at bugis
den head down to paradiz centre to play lan
the guys play, i nv play at all..
they start at about 6pm & ends at 10pm
me just sit there & watch lor
after tat we walk down to esplanade to countdown
found ourselves a good spot which we can see fireworks very clear
it was so so crowed!
hard to walk as my leg is pain also
reach home at about 2pm
den sleep as i was super tired
Jan 1
new year
morning meet dear & his whole family for lunch & inline skating
i was damn freaking scare la
cause nv meet his family be4
but they are very very kind & fun loving
nice to know them
finish at about 2pm we left to go chinatown & walk walk
den back to my hse to meet my family for dinner
is like today the brand new year is to meet both side parents
My uncle once see him den he say PASS!
means tat i can still go out wif him
hee hee
was fun having him at my hse
he eat alot sia
will upload some pic which i took for the past few days
got to go now
very tired
take care
LOVE u lots dear!