Monday, June 30, 2008
today start work at 11am & ends at 6.30pm
i was doing stock check today & clean the store
hee hee
was doing it wif imran
he damn funny sia
but he keep bully me lor
bad sia he...
had lunch wif him & maxine (if i spell correctly)
so ya...
dear send me home today
hee hee
chat wif him & joke wif him
2mor workin
i tink i better go & sleep now
take care ppl
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Today NDP was ok la..
not much also
got our clothes already
so ugly sia
the shoe is like sch shoe lor
ai yo
Thanz dear for sending me home
sorry to make u go home so late
love u lots

tis is for u dear...
gtg now
2mor workin
take care ppl
Friday, June 27, 2008
Today accompany dear to see doctor at SGH=)had a fun time wif him todayhee heelove him lots.Kids night out was cancel last minuteso no need to go work todayhee heegood sia=)went to watch movie wif dear at marina squarewatch 'You Don't Mess With The Zohan'super funny lorreally siaand alot of guys stuff alsohaha:)Now gonna write about him=)His name is Sebastian ChanAge 20 tis yrNow currently NShaha....emm...he is my 1st chinese bfso ya...starting was really weird cause i nv had a chinese bf, so ya...weird lorbut now is ok alreadyhee heehe is really a very sweet, caring guyhe sent me home everydayand he lives bedok yet he still sent me back to yishun den he go sweet rite??=)Tis is for u dear...I really love & miss u. Sorry about my attitude towards u. Thanz for being so sweet & caring towards me. Actually tis is me, so i really hope u can 4give me.... I do hope tat our relationship will last long. =) Take good care of urself k. 19/06tats all about it la...will update again kanyway i pass my exam!!=)GPA 2.6i am happy wif it:]take care pplbyeee*ANNE*
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Today work at UE square in the morning be4 heading down to Eastgate for training
morning was ok la...
just 1 class in the morning
hee hee
dear send to me work today
hee hee
so sweet
reach my hse downstair 7am sia
ai yo...
me still sleeping lor
so early at my hse downstair already
left hse at about 7.50am la
was early for work today also
after work dear also send me home
hee hee
had a nice chat wif u anyway
thanz for sendin me home
and also thanz for the sweet
hee hee
do take good care of urself too k
love u & miss u
hope u do really understand wat i mean when i told u in the bus
2mor training at kallang
hope will be a better day
take care ppl
see ya
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Today wake up at 6am to go church den head to work
super tired sia
Today work wif firdaus, sheree and alva...
2 birthday party today
fun sia...
some of the kids are sooooo cute
hee hee
especially melissa & marco
Just heard from my maid say tat wed my parents are going to genting
again sia
coming back on sat
everday workin...
off on sat
but got NDP
so is like no off actually lor
tired sia
ai yo...
gtg now...
2mor working
haiz.. take care ppl
I miss u dear... do take good care k. see u soon. love u! =)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Today morning was busy
afternoon was very slack
open gym was ok
kanna beaten up today
i did cried out abit
can't control so i cried.
today end 6pm
so ya
kind of tired today
2mor working again
tiring sia
But i do love the kids there
so cute sia
anyway my attitude suck big time today sia
emm... too tired already
gonna sleep now
take care
good nite
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Today work was ok..kind of boring actually cause we had nth to dohaha=)so slack siatoday end work at about 6+pmden head back homeyawn....hahanext week training...haiz...either kallang or eastgatehaiz..must travel againso far sia=(I got to go and sleep alreadytired siaYAWN......good nite ppl.take care*ANNE*To u...Thanz for sending me home today. sorry to ask u wait for me for about 2hrs. Very sorry... Take good care. =) Love ya...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Went out wif jin ting & mr azlan just now=)just the 3 of usso sad sialast minute rauhan & rizal bastard uslike fuck siahaiz...i am so disappointed wif them=(Went shopping wif jin ting first den meet mr azlan=)after tat went to watch Kung Fu Panda at cineleisureden walk walk arounddinner at arab sthaha..weird placeNV gonna go there again=)Emm... 2mor working againbut i am happy cause some1 is sending me homeYEA!!!hee heehope he is not tired cause is like..he send me home already den go homeis super far lor..haiz...pity him!:]toking to him now at msnhee hee=)Will upload photo soon...take care ppl*To u... Do take good care k. If u are tired, no need to send me home. Love ya, miss ya...*ANNE*
Today is my off day:)
Happy sia
going out later wif jin ting, rauhan, rizal & mr azlan
arifah can't make it cause she is working
den ieshah also cannot
still got next time ya...
Work is fun and tiring
ytd learn new tings
hee hee
make new frenz
so fun sia
i am happy being attach there
ok la.
i dunno wat to write already
hee hee
going out soon
take care
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Is been long time i nv update
attachment started ytd
work 9am-7pm
but kind of slack ytd
today was busy
but is fun
hee hee
ytd was working wif firdaus
today he is off & i am working
without him i still enjoy it anyway
kids are SUPER FUN!!!
now alot of problems going on and is about attachment
so ya...
stress sia
my dad also nagging about it
i am going school 2mor to settle it
most likely la
now adays really busy working & NDP
so ya
not much time for outing at the moment now
even weekends i am working sia
But wat to do...
tis is life
Hey ppl...
if wanna find me can find me at UE square
level 2
JWT kids gym
UE square is at clarke quay there
hee hee
i am working there....
take care ppl
see ya
Monday, June 9, 2008
So bored sia!
nth to do at home
kids camp cancel cause not much children
so ya
ytd passion run was fun & tiring
cause didn't get to really sleep
went to church feelin tired sia
fall asleep afew times
dunno wat to write already la
so ya
take care ppl
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Peek a Boo!
Good Morning!
Ppl brush ur teeth already?
hee hee...
lame sia!
Holiday start today.
going east gate to settle my attachment later wif arifah, jin ting & fatimah.
hopefully we will get our attachment there...
if not we really gonna find another 1.
Wish us luck!
Gonna be busy the next few days onwards
busy wif:
1. Saucony 100Plus PAssion Run 2008
2. JWT kids Gym
3. Anlene Orchard Mile 2008
See busy rite?
hee hee...
miss my training alot sia
gonna go back after all the events finish
need to train real hard sia
Anyway since gonna go for attachment already
i miss all my friends sia
serious shit!
I miss those jokers
i miss those whom i usually hang out wif
miss those laugher so much
hope tat although we go for attachment
we still will make ourself free for meet up ya?
really hope so!
ok la.
i gtg already
take care
god bless
Monday, June 2, 2008
Hello ppl..
today coaching theory paper
emm... the paper was ok la.
not tat difficult
but some question i dunno how to ans
completed my training program already
now left wif my 10weeks weight management & my theory paper
dunno can pass anot lei
super stress up sia
anyway hope rizal is fine.
cause heard from his big bro tat he went to hospital
his sis like to disturb us sia
like msg me to break up and stuff
like so bad sia
dunno why also
anyway ytd suppose to meet him to bring him for interview but indeed end nv
can't contact him lor
and also heard from his big bro just now tat ytd his mouth got blood
dunno he is ok anot
worry about him
gtg already
need to take a rest
super tired sia
take care ppl
study hard for 2mor paper!