Thursday, February 28, 2008
Hello ppl!=)I just reach home not long agohee heewent out wif dear lorhad some fight just nowbut is okcause we clear things outreallysay all out siahaha!=)I now feel so relax already:)Went watch jumper again at GV PS.second time i watchbut is nicehee heeemm...2mor dunno going sch anot leisee how la=)anyway i really wanna thanz jamie cause he treat me Subway just nowat westmallhee heecause i win the bet with him mahe give me $14i spent the food $12the $2 i give sebastianhee hee...Ok la...i gtg ya...take care*ANNE*
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Hello ppl!Hee hee..long time i nv blog already rite?=)me doing fine nowhappy to meet my dear todaybut kind of angry & piss off wif him earlier oncause of some reason:(i am tired nowcause when for X-country just nowi get in 28 hee heeokok labut kind of happy also la=)talking to my dear nowkanna scolding from him nowhaiz...fighting now alsoso yagonna stop hereblog again soon...soseeya...*ANNE*
Friday, February 22, 2008
Hey guys!
I am very very happy today!
can see rite??

Hee hee...=)
Went sch in the morning
no lesson
but nvm
slack around in sch la
den after tat head down to ZOO!
Is really fun lor
super fun sia
Anyway i misunderstood my dear already
Long story la
anyway let the pic do the typing k
hee hee..
Tis are the 2 who went wif me to Zoo!
Is the grass drinking?
Weird ah?
Tis is the guy who keep bully me
but he is nice too
hee hee
So ytd pic...
Mali & rizal
My best brother!
So sweet rite?
2guys share 1 bowl
After the run
in the bus to fetch other runner to SMU
den head to padang
Ok la..
tats all for today
take care!
good nite
Labels: photo, ZOO
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Hellp ppl!=)Good NEws!Singapore WON the YOG!!!!!YEA!!!!Super happy!=)Ran just now for 2km till NUS high schhahait was a fun run as Mr Rama keep joking siahaha!after tat head to other sch to fetch other ppl to SMUden head down to padangbut stop at SMU firstso at SMU was having fun therewe playing n joking lorhaha=)about 5+ we head down to padangfor the partyfun siareally!HAHA...after everytingwe party there like hellhaha..the other side of medance like crazyHAHA!is true...u can ask fieza about tathee hee:)Went makan after tat wif maligot me, fieza, erna, rizal, ghani, mali & alfredhee heejoke abit den off i goas i need to go home lamy dad knee was also in pain:(Reach home, bath den off to my laptophee heei also ice my knee alreadybut still painhaiz...but i am going sch 2morcause i promise mali they all alreadyso ya..gonna go sch 2mor=)Emm...Photo update 2mor ya..cause system down lahee heeso ya...I gtg alreadygood nite guys!Take care!=)*ANNE*Labels: Singapore Won
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Hey guys....Tis few days i will not really blog as i am not in the moodand busy wif stuffso ya...sorry ppl:(2mor i am involve in the YOG 2010So gonna run for ITE westhahajust 2km only lorso i can make it la=)Sat, i am going for NDP tingso i hope gonna enter again tis yrhee heehope so laafter tat gonna head down to bishan J8 to support kak pa & zainulfor their dance competitionhee heehope they will enter the next roundreally wish tat...tuesday he is coming outbut dunno whether he is calling me anothaiz..i really lose hope already=(really dunno wat to dowednesday got X-country rundunno whether wanna run anot leihee heei lazy lasee first lahaha...So ya...dunno wat to write alreadyso anyting just beep me denif u know my number laif not den u tag me den i will tell u=)*ANNE*
Monday, February 18, 2008
Yoyo...=)End sch early todayEnd around 1+super early rite?hahaso after sch went to tampines wif arifahcause i wanna buy bag maso go there lorhaha=)Bought the new bag from zinccost $49.90hahais kind of worth it laso ya...=)After tat follow her go find 3/4 pantsso she bought it at CKafter tat i had the feeling to eat dessertso went to century square to eat loru guess wat we eat...HAHA??????Is waffle wif ice-cream:)Nice is nice too much also feel like wanna vomit siahahA!So i say tat is our 1st & the lastcause is like OMG!!!!:pI feel tat my bf is really melampau la!Cause he is like having lots of gals at friendsterhaiz...And msg them like 1 kindlike FCUK SIA!Merepek sey!Hate him now sia.So gonna clear tings out next week as he is coming out next weekSo...whether we still 2gether or notthe result will out next weekhaha!I now turn bad alreadyserious!Ok la..i gtg alreadyanyting just beep me dentake care=)*ANNE*
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Like sister rite?HEe hee...Same name also but she is without the e.haha!=)
Nice rite??HAHA!Hey ppl!Had lots of fun today!=)Went church in the morningden meet my new friend & arifah in the afternoonat tampineshee heecause i wanna buy new shoehee heeat last i bought it already=)Now at homehelping my mom on her cardshahashe gambing nowso help her alsohaha!:)So ya...dunno wat to write alreadyhee heegoing sch 2mor so u guys take carebyeee*ANNE*
Friday, February 15, 2008

Her name is Ann...
Is true!
Hello ppl!
Long time nv blog ah
Been busy going out & project
so nv had the time to update lor
hee hee
sorry ah ppl!
=) When to watch soccer on wed
haha!Shock??When wif arifah & her bfit was under 18 vs young lionshaha!I also can't believe tat i went to watch soccerhaha!so about 9+pm reach homehee hee=)Anyway happy belated valentine day every1!
Nv celebrate cause my bf in camp
so nv celebrate lor
but when to science centre in the morning
den watch movie after tat.
fun sia!
watch movie wif arifah, erna, me & helmi
Hee hee
Super funny lor
we watch CJ7!
U guys really hav to watch!
HAHA! Erna & arifah very bad siacause they keep saying me & helmihaiz...anyhow sia!In the eveningwent causeway point wif dad & 2 maidi treat them pizza huthaha!i good rite?hee hee...So basically tis is how i celebrate valentine's day!
Went to watch jumper just now
wif sebas & helmi
hee hee
Suppose after tat we gonna head down to Zoo
but is too late already
so we decide next time den go
hee hee
really had lots of fun wif the both of them lor
My dear can't come out for 14 days cause of some stupid ppl la
dun care him la
but i really miss him alot lor
is like we nv meet for 1mth+ already
Going escape theme park 2mor wif my ex sec sch classmate
hee hee
sure gonna hav lots of fun
really lei
i hav been going out since my bf went back to camp and nv meet me
dunno why lei
maybe i am trying to 4get about him
and not to really tink about him
Dunno la
but i truly miss him alot
Few days already
but yet haven really talk to him on the phone or msn
kind of sad too la
Really miss him alot
hee hee...
Really hope to meet him after the 14 days
Dear can do me a favour??
Meet me after the 14 days??
Dunno wat to write already lei
ok la
so i guess i end here
take care guys!
I love u JUNAIDI 4EVER!!!!!

Monday, February 11, 2008
Hello ppl...=)Full of sadness nowcause really alot of tings happen out of a sudden1st is my grandma pass awaynow is my bf kanna DBbut not sure gonna go in anot.Because of tat bloodly idiot guy hu sabo him lafreak him siahaiz...damn stress sia=(Gonna go sch 2mor alreadyanyway thanz ppl who always be there for methanz alot!=)Tat all i am gonna rite la.cause nv sleep for 5 days already maso gonna sleep alreadyanyway 2mor got sch also mahaiz...Good nite guys!Byeee*ANNE*
Friday, February 8, 2008
Hello ppl!=)HapPy chInesE nEw yR eveRyOne!:)I nv celebrate chinese new yr tis yrcause my grandma just pass awayso we can't celebrate lorshe died on wed nightat her own hse at hougangtime was 12.45am=(She is my dad momso is my dad sideSo now i always at hougangfor the funeral lorstay overnight at the void-deckso hav not been sleeping for the past few days alreadymust hav ppl at there so i hav to be at therehaiz...everyday sleep only 2hr+ only:(I MISS MY GRANDMA!!!!Monday not going schcause is the day she buriedbut i guess i am going sch on tuesday or wednesday coaching project haven do also siahaiz..stress sey!Wat to do..Tis is life!Got to go sooncause going hougang again lateranyting msg or call me kwill be awake 24hr lorhahagood byeeetake care*ANNE*
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Hello ppl!=)Long time nv blog alreadyhee heeeven my password also i forget alreadyhaha!funny sia:)Anyway the past few days nth much lajust normal lorytd i nv go sch cause over slepthahabut went out to JP to buy shoehee heebuy shoe & watch moviehee heeErna, Zetti & me watch The HouseHAHAi scare siabut also funnyhaha!=)Gonna buy a new shoe again 2mor and a watchGonna go shopping wif arifahhee heemy lovely GF=)watch is for dearfor our 10th mths anniversaryhee heeshoe for myselfhaha!Nth to write alreadyWill update soon kTake care!Byeee*ANNE*