Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy Advance New Yr everone!
Wat is ur resolution for 2008 ah??
1. Study well
2. BF treat me better
3. Parents dun control me tat much
4. Get good money for attachment
Tats about it la
I tink so
Is been really quite a sometime i didn't blog at all
Really happen alot of tings
There got good n bad tings la
As usual la
But i am not gonna write tat detail la
24 dec
Was kind of fun la
But only afew ppl came lor
but over all is ok la
mirul came on christmas day itself in the morning
Miss him so much sia
hee hee
Anyway mali, nazmi, rauhan can really make frenz wif my dear lor
Cause i saw them joking and laughing sia
Is a good ting tat he can click along wif my frenz
25 dec
when home in the morning cause need to go to church lor
dear also go off early as he need to go back camp and settle sometings so we left 2gether
was really happy when he was there
Thanz alot dear!
didn't really go out on christmas day cause very tired and also lazy
hee hee
Suppose to go out wif dear la but i too tired so nv lor
All his fault la
cause he is the 1 hu sleep alot lor rather den me
cause he damn noisy sia...
26 dec
my parents leave for holiday
i so happy sia
cause i am free
And my mom gave me back my phone too
hee hee
they left at about 11.30ami also going out wif dear later
suppose he came my hse to fetch me but i last minute dun 1 la
So meet him at mrt staion instead lor
when watch movie at PS den after tat saw fieza n her bf
Den after tat he stay over at my hse cause he dun wanna go back camp
take MC the next day
27 dec
when TTSH in the afternoon den aftertat meet cheryl they all for escape theme park
i late sia
so hav to sit the rainbow ride...
super scare sia
my heart is like dropping out already
dear dun wanna join me so i hav to sit along sia
really la!
damn scare sia!
dear stay over at my hse again
hee hee
hate him sia
cause he so noisy and also always beat ppl while he is sleeping lor
28 dec
when out wif my NPCC mates
long time nv see them sia
miss them alot lor
dear when home la so when out wif them lor
but hav to be home by 2359
dear say 1
or else he will keep calling me
when seoul garden for dinner
had lots of fun there n joke alot too
after tat when jalan jalan around orchard lor
i tink tats about it la...
write so many already
currently chatting wif dear frenz
make new frenz ma
cool ah??
Dear already had so many GF lor
so i make BF la
2mor is 2008 already!
Is really damn fast la
time really past so fast
And i am 1 yr older already
cause i can do alot of tings
ok la.
tats about it la
nth to blog already
take care!
*A N N E*
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Sorry guys tat i didn't update for sometime cause com break down lor
Hee hee...
Anyway i am back to blog
Had really lots of fun the past few weeks.
Really! And is true!
Dear spent the whole week wif me
Hee hee...
Love him so much!
He really funny lor
Will update again soon la.
Anyway i just bought a new laptop
Cool rite??
HeeE hee...
My mom bought for me
Dunno why also
Ok la..
I gtg...
Will update soon!
Tk care!
Friday, December 21, 2007
So fun today sia!
Had dame lots of fun wif arifah and rozie & her family.
HEe hee....
Watch alvin & the chipmunks at vivo city
So funny lor
And i love it so much!
After tat we bought the exchange gift
Den headed up to the roof top to take pic
IS lots n lots of pic lor
Funny sia!
LOve her so much sia!
She is my best gf ever lor!
I am serious ok!
HEe hee...
Really had lots of fun wif her!
Picture time!

Lovely couple ah?? HAHA!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Tis is the new skirt n blouse tat my mum brought 4 me.
I am ok already
So dun need to worry about me k.
Went causeway point wif my ex sec sch mate
Got cheryl, sam n me
Quite fun lor cause we joke alot
Buy tings and joke at the same time
Brought a necklace n a pair of earings
Total $33.10
Quite ex lor.
But not my money ma, is my mom ask me to go buy want.
So the whole afternoon i spent at woodland lor
After i came home my mom say tat we gonna go woodland for dinner
So tats mean my whole day i spent at woodland lor
Cool ah!
Dear called me just now
And i was kind of shock cause he should be in camp rather at home
And also he has been MIA
So i ask him la
And u guess wat??
He say tat he just wanna try not contact me for 2 days & see how is my reaction
like WTH sia....
He laugh...
Like so happy sia, cause i am freaking worry about him ma.
So bad sia!
Anyway gonna meet mr muthiah 2mor at CCK to take money for the BBQ lor
After tat maybe gonna meet my dear n also gonna buy the exchange gift for the bbq
So i am gonna busy tis whole week n next week too.
Busy going out wif frenz.
HEe heE...
U guys enjoy urself too k
Take care
See ya!
*A N N E*
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Sorry ppl for not updating my blog.
Cause i dunno wat to write lor.
Sorry ppl!
Anyway now holiday already and i am freaking bored at home.
Didn't go out everyday except sat & sun la.
CAuse need to go church ma.
Now adays stay at home watch TV or play com lor
TAts all i do at home
Freaking bored la!
Now adays i like not feeling well lei
Dunno why also
Can't really eat well n always feel like vomit sia
ANyway i bought a new skirt n blouse at this fashion
Mum bought for me for christmas gift n also for tis sat wedding lunch
So hav to wear nice lor
Will upload the pic of the new skirt n blouse later k...
Now aday dun really tat miss him
And we didn't meet also from our anniversary till now.
I also like no feeling already
Cause my heart is already dead!
So no feeling anymore.
Sometimes i just wan to drink till i drunk n 4get about everyting.
But he dun let me.
U tell me la!
Wat i suppose to do to forget all my problems.
I feel bored n lonely!
CAuse when he is out from camp he will always stay at home n sleep
Tats all.
I know he is tired but dun 4get lei, u still hav a gf lor.
I feel tat i am single not attached lor.
Tink i should post it out at friendster.
HE dun really understand me!
All u know is urself not me!
Nvm la...
Life is always like tis lor.
So will try to look happy whenever i am sad.
So hard to be happy nowadays!
BBQ is coming lor
Dunno i wanna go anot lei
Not in the mood also
But will try to go la
But maybe not staying overnight cause i might go club
Not sure yet
Dear also might not going the bbq too.
And he might not be meeting me
Dunno la
And also the BBQ money not all have pay lor
So i tink is gonna ruin again la
Why always like tis lei
ok la...
TAts all i am gonna write.
Dun feel like writing anymore lor.
Take CAre!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Hey Guys!!!
Today i am very happy sia!
Cause i had lots of fun wif my FT frenz!
hEe hee....
So much fun lor
Really had a great time wif them especially ARIFAH!
HeE hEe...
So fun lor...
She is abang man daughter
Just joking la.
I really very pai sey when they dun give me back my jesey sia
Super pai sey lor
But also alot of joke
Now my face red n pain sia...
USe to it already la
hEe heE..
few minutes ago i just cried cause of my dad
Fucking angry sia
Why he just dun understand me
He is damn over-protect me lor
Fuck sia!
He always like tis lor
Now crying again sia!
Why must u like tis to me?
U are really giving me pressure lor
U damn freaking dun understand me
CCA, money, BF, frenz, outing, work, sch, life, attire, hair, nail, everyting
All tis ting are damn being control sia!
Wat is left???
I mean NOTHING!!!!
I just left wif a empty shell,
Wif a broken heart.
I dun tink it can be heal easily!
If i kanna beaten up i also agree sia
cause i rather die den face my parents.
Like WTH sia...
Dun wanna say anymore la!
Picture time...

AhmAd is so cool lor!!! HEe hee... Dun care the beside 1. hEe hEe...

Tis 3 someting wrong sia... Tink should sent them to IMH

Arifah father! HAHA!! Tink beside him is arifah mother!

Full time clown n gay! Tis i agree lor! =)

IS a nice weather anyway lor. See^^
Good nite guys...
Take care!
See ya!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Hey Guys...
Today so boring sia.
I slept at 3+am ytd
Hee hee
Tis morning, dear call me n ask wat time i finish sch
Tink he dunno tat i no more school already
Today he go back home
Dunno why also but indeed end i ask him & he said cause he go home to take shirt
Moring i recieve alot of SMS from Mr Azlan sia
To ask wat is wen jun number lor
Also tell me tat Mr Muthiah lending us 5tents
HeE hee
At least tents are settle now
Now left the money problem
Stay at home the whole day lor
Nth to do also sia
Freaking bored
TAlk to dear on the phone just now for about 1hr+ sia
HeE hee
So funny lor
he scold me anging laut
Acutally i dun really know the meaning so i ask mali & he say is a seal
Den dear keep making the sound
Funny sia
he keep laughing at me also
So fun talking to him
And the way he talk to me like wanna seduce me sia
Anyway i really can't wait for 2mor sia
Cause 2mor FT ppl is going to sentosa
But not all is going lor
But at least those jokers are going
So see u guys 2mor!
Take care
Love ya
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Just finish watching Sea Games.
Was a tough fight singapore against thailand lor.
But it was a good match den.
singapore 0 Thailand 3
Hee hee...
Actually now adays i am damn freaking bored lor.
BF in camp the whole week.
Left me alone, so bored sia.
Went out wif GF today to discuss about the class BBQ.
HAd fun wif them lor.
But too bad ieshah was not there.
NExt time den :)
Saw a handsome guy while wating 4 bus at 969 stand wif arifah.
Hee hee...
Really lor...
He is kind of handsome n cute to me la
If i got his number i sure happy sia
BF dunno ma
Maybe he can be my part time BF
Hee hee....
I bad ah????
Really la...
Sometimes i really tired of him lor
Dunno la
Now adays dun really tat miss him as usual la
Just feel like letting him go but i also dun wan lei
Ai yo....
Sometimes i check on him lor
I bad ah???
Fuck care already la
If he wanna be wif other gal den so be it la
I can't force him to be wif me lor
Tis is wat he always say to be
Now i am saying tis back to him den
Nth to write already also
Hope i will get lots of fun on thus at sentosa
See ya....
Monday, December 10, 2007
Today is my 8mths anniversary wif my dear.
Slept at 2+am ytd cause nth better to do ma so go online and play games.
Also go chat lor.
Hee hee...
Wake up today early to attend 10.15am mass rather den 11.45am mass.
When the mass was about to finish, dear call me but i didn't ans the call.
So call him back after the mass finish den he ask me whether i still sleeping anot.
He tink i pig ah?
Always sleep sleep sleep.
So talk to him on the phone for awhile lor.
Ate breakfast in church den reach home already call dear.
But he went out.
So i msg van they all whether they wanna meet for late lunch.
And also they wanna play soccer ma.
So i say ok.
But i actually forget tat today is my anniversary lor.
So i agree to play soccer wif them.
So we decided to meet 2pm at woodland mrt control station.
Dear call me around 12+, so i say i meeting my frenz for lunch.
Den he say meet him at there too.
1+ he call, ask me whether i can leave early anot cause he will reach there early.
Ok la. His brother sent him there ma wif bike lor.
So good sia.
Hee hee...
So we jalan jalan at causeway point for awhile and makan.
Ask dear whether i can drink on thus wif my frenz at sentosa anot.
But he say 'NO'!
Dun ever try also or else i will kanna 1 tight slap from him sia.
After tat dear n me left van they all.
Sorry about tat cause i really 4get about it.
Will go play soccer again next time k.
Dun worry!
We head to vivo city to watch movie n search his ear piece.
We took 963 bus from woodland.
So we talk in the bus n he told me about his sec sch life.
I feel tat they are super duper open minded lor.
Ai yo...
Watch the golden compass at vivo.
Before tat i kanna scold from him sia.
U know wat he scold me??
I was like WAT THE HELL???????????
And he also pointed me wif his midder finger lor.
Freak him sia...
Den i was damn angry la.
I also cried sia.
Anniversary make me cry ah.
Anyway he keep saying sorry la, also say joking only lor.
U dun look like joking to me ok!
Watever la!
Anyway i really had a great time wif him today!
I am really very happy today!
Lots of jokes and bully each other.
I will always remember tis day.
HEe hee...
Wat a nice anniversary!
I only say 'I love u' to him once today.
I very wat sia!
But he say it to me alot of time den i say ok only.
Aku merepek sey!
Nvm wat!
Anyway gonna meet him 2mor again.
Can't wait to bully him again.
Very fun sia.
I nv stop laughing today lor.
He la, keep making fun of me.
I pai sey sia....
Hee hee...
Ok la.
Tats all fot today.
Gonna go sleep already.
Cause my mum nagging at me.
Hee hee...
Love u lots dear! Muack!
Labels: anniversary, bully, funny, happy, laugh
Friday, December 7, 2007
Is been quite a some time i didn't blog cause busy wif revision lor.
Exam ma.
Today is my last paper!
My last paper is FOA and is kind of difficult lor.
But over is over so now is time to hav FUN!!!
Yes, hav fun!
Had lots of jokes wif kak pa while on the way home lor.
Laugh den loud sia.
Is really damn funny lor.
After we reach woodland, kak pa n zetti follow me home.
So good sia.
HeE hee...
After tat slack around at my room lor.
Meet erna, van n adhy 3pm at woodland mrt station but we were late lor.
Cause we know tat some1 will be late so we hack care la.
Den go makan cause some of us are hungry.
After tat we went to play street soccer near by erna hse.
So fun lor.
Laughing around n playing around too.
HEe hee...
Really had damn lots of fun today sia.
Thanz to them.
Too many to mention so no need to write out la.
Hee hee...
2mor maybe going out wif my dear to esplande cause his frenz is performing lor.
Dunno la.
See whether i wanna go anot lor.
Ok la.
I gtg already.
Cause dunno wat to write.
Hee hee...
Anyway now adays i am happy la.
So dun worry k.
I am fine.
U guys stay happy k & must take good care.
Can't wait for tis thus cause we are going sentosa
Sure we will hav lots of fun lor.
Love u lots dear!
Labels: Fun, happy, jokes, laugh
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Today exam was abit tough cause actually i only study abit. Hee hee...
Anyway i late for exam today and also arifah, ieshah n dhaslie cause they waited for me.
Sorry guys!
After exam we headed to causeway point to jalan jalan.
Hee hee...
Anyway 2mor exam start at 11am lor.
So can wake up abit late.
Hee hee...
2mor is customer relationship paper.
Hope i can do well n understand wat is the paper talking about.
I also haven study yet.
Anyway now is the time off between me n my dear.
Cause i am kind of tired already.
I am the 1 hu wanna had a time off.
Hope everyting will go smoothly now.
Call him today at about 11+ and he just reach home lor.
So didn't wanna disturb him.
Till now he nv call me sia.
I also nv take the first step to call him cause i am too tired of calling rather den he call me.
Like i am the BF den he is the GF.
Like WTF sia!!!
Hopefully after exam we will get back to normal.
I really pray damn hard for tis relationship lor.
I love U dear!
U better take care k!
Love ya!
Monday, December 3, 2007